One of the main Japanese TV channels featured Kendama and I appeared in the show for a bit!! I showed a juggling trick with my thighs :-)
原宿の広場にて撮影♪ filmed in the square at Harajuku, Tokyo |
海外でのけん玉ブームが日本に「逆輸入」され、けん玉が日本の若者の間で新たな流行となっていることを受け、各メディアがけん玉を特集してくれています☆ 「子供の遊び」というイメージだったけん玉が、流行・ファッションの発信地である原宿のアパレルショップの店頭で売られるようになったり、ストリートスポーツを楽しむ若者のファッションアイテムになるなんて・・・もう大興奮です!!(笑) この新しいけん玉の進化、トレンドを本当に嬉しく思っています♪
Since Kendama communities in the United States and Europe have been growing so fast and influenced loads of Japanese young people, many Japanese TV channels have featured Kendama recently. Kendama has been just "children's toy" here in Japan for long time. When we grow up we don't play it anymore. But now, you can find all different types of kendama at clothing shops in Harajuku, the center of Japan's cultures and fashion styles, and young people around 20-30's have "kendama session" on street! I've been so happy and excited about the new Kendama trend here!!
I'll keep doing activities for spreading kendama more widely across Japan and the world!!
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